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Latest Updates Apple 9L0-400 Exam Practice Questions and Answers
How do you configure Mac OS X v10.3 to print to a networked IP printer?
A. In the Printer Setup Utility, click on Add, choose IP Printing from the pop-up, menu, enter the IP address of the
printer, and click Add.
B. In the Printer Setup Utility, click on Add, choose IP from the pop-up menu, select the printer from the list, and click
C. Open the Choose, select the LaserWriter printer driver icon, and select the printer you want to configure.
D. Open the printer you wish to configure from the list of printers in the /Library/Printers/PPDs folder
Correct Answer: A
By default in Mac OS X v10.3, the contents of which folders in a user\’s home directory can be accessed by all other
user accounts? Choose all that apply.
A. Documents
B. Library
C. Public
D. Music
E. Sites
Correct Answer: CE
Which is the default location of all kernel extensions (“kext” files) in Mac OS X v10.3?
A. /Library/Extensions/
B. /System/Extensions/
C. /System Folder/Extensions/
D. /System/Library/Extensions/
Correct Answer: D
What can you use to determine whether there is an active network connection between two computers?
A. Lookup
B. Netstat
C. Whois
D. Ping
Correct Answer: D
The Sharing pane of System Preferences has an option to _.
A. Create network users and groups
B. Share your Internet connection
C. Create a disk partition to share
D. Set up FTP accounts
Correct Answer: B
Which Mac OS X v10.3 utility is helpful when troubleshooting a computer\’s Ethernet connectivity?
A. Network Utility
B. Activity Monitor
C. Network Monitor
D. Internet Connect
Correct Answer: A
By default, the Mac OS X v10.3 shell prompt includes the “#” character after the user name when you ___.
A. Are in your home directory.
B. Have connected to another computer using ssh
C. Are logged in as a user who is the Group Admin
D. Are running the shell as the System Administrator
Correct Answer: D
The Universal Access pane in System Preferences allows you to ______.
A. Configure the screen to zoom in and out.
B. Turn speech recognition on and off.
C. Create new keyboard shortcuts.
D. Configure a USB tablet.
Correct Answer: A
UNIX-based applications that require the X Windows System server can be opened in Mac OS X v10.3 using
A. FreeX98 for Mac OS X.
B. WIN-X for Mac OS X
C. X11 for Mac OS X
D. Console
Correct Answer: C
How does an administrator user delete another user in Mac OS X v10.3 OS X v10.3?
A. Open Terminal and use the du command to delete the selected user.
B. Open the Users control panel, select a user to delete, and click the Delete button.
C. Open the Accounts pane of System Preferences, select a user to delete, and click the Delete (minus sign) button.
D. Open the /Users folder, select a user\’s folder to delete, drag the folder to the Trash, and choose Empty Trash from
the Finder menu.
Correct Answer: C
A non-administrative Mac OS X v10.3 user named “drinking” wants to use an iMac with Mac OS X v10.3 as a web server.
Where should he put his HTML files to be shared?
A. /Users/Public
B. /Users/Shared
C. /Users/drbill/Sites
D. /Users/drbill/Shared
Correct Answer: C
By default in Mac OS X v10.3, you can use the Finder to______________. (Choose all that apply.)
A. Burn a CD
B. Create a disk image file
C. See every file in your home directory
D. To archive multiple items simultaneously using the Archive menu item
E. Empty the trash securely, so that data recovery software cannot restore the files.
Correct Answer: ADE
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